Jesus And Government


Sunday (8/18), gather with your church family as we turn our attention to Matthew’s Gospel (22:15-22).

The passage before us is from Passion Week. As was His pattern, He was in Jerusalem, where He would spend His time ministering to the multitude gathered in the Temple.
Jesus had been confronted by the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, Scribes, and possibly the Zealots. Each group despised everything about Him because He threatened their power.

For years, these groups had the people of Israel in their grip. Instead of serving them, for that was their calling, they enriched themselves at the expense of those who desired to worship and know the true and living God.

Now, the people were no longer looking to them but to Jesus. His teachings were different from what they had heard before. He taught with authority and possessed a natural affection for those He was ministering to.

These groups despised each other but joined in dealing with this problem. So, after numerous failed attempts to trap Jesus into saying or doing something they could use to bring to the Roman authorities, they finally believed they had an idea that would work.
Quickly after their meeting, they sent their spies to trap Jesus with questions about taxes. 
They knew no matter what He said, they would have him right where they wanted him. He would either anger the multitude or their Roman leaders, and either one was OK with them.
Jesus’s answer foiled their attempt again and gave His followers a roadmap—one that guides them on how to conduct themselves as foreigners and aliens passing through. Each believer has a dual citizenship.

First and foremost, they belong to the kingdom of God, but they currently live in an earthly kingdom.

 Each has benefits and responsibilities. And until the day Jesus returns for His church, they are to be salt and light to those entrapped in spiritual darkness.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

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