"That It Might be Fulfilled"

Sunday (06/23), gather with your church family as we turn our attention to Matthew’s Gospel (21:1-11).

After three and a half years of ministry, Jesus finally came to Jerusalem, where He would conclude the purpose of His coming.

It had been decided long before the foundation of the world.
Before Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden, He had willingly, in accordance with His Father’s will, decided to come to earth in the form of man that He might be the sacrifice that would make it possible for man to be reconciled to God.

As He approached the city that had resisted, mocked, and killed many of the prophets who had foretold of this day, It was ironic that the same people who would line the streets to welcome Him would, in a short time, join the chorus of those who hated Him shouting, crucify Him.

But Jesus knew all of this beforehand. He knew the very people He had come to save would reject Him. Many of the religious elites would do so out of jealousy, others due to their love for this sin rather than God.

But He would not be deterred. For everyone who would reject His sacrificial love, there would be millions who would say yes to Him in the years that followed.

As one reads the above narrative presented by Matthew, the question arises: how did those eyewitnesses of His crucifixion and the generations that followed know that their simple faith in what He did on the cross was enough to save them from an eternal Hell?
The answer is found in the accuracy of Scripture. Everything that happened the week Jesus entered Jerusalem had been prophesied to the smallest detail and handed down to the prophets, whom God had called to warn those who disobeyed Him and encourage those who lived their lives according to His laws.
Therefore, one can be assured of eternal salva
tion based upon the accuracy of God’s Word, which proves its trustworthiness in that every prophecy regarding Jesus’ birth, ministry, trials, death, burial, and resurrection was fulfilled.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

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