From Guilt to Glory


Tonight (Wednesday, 5/29, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe’ or on our website (, Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our three-year journey through the Bible by turning to the book of Isaiah (54-59).

Isaiah, after giving in detail the guilt of Israel who had left their relationship with the living God by committing spiritual adultery in bowing down to and sacrificing to the numerous pagan deities that littered the land of their enemies, gave a prophecy so striking that many in his day as well as today have a difficult time comprehending.

What was the prophecy? It regarded the coming Messiah, a Savior that God would provide His people, who, undeserving as they were, would heal them of their backsliding and restore and renew their fellowship with Him.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah prophesied, “Surely, He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed” (Is 53:4-5).
God promised His people that if they turned from their sins to Him, He would forgive and heal them from their backsliding and restore them to that sweet place of fellowship with Him.

So, Isaiah, in chapters 54-59, wrote that God would reward the righteous, chastise the unrighteous, and judge the wicked and their leaders who caused His people to stumble into sin.

The chapters begin with Israel’s guilt and progress toward the future glory that awaited all who turned to God in faith. Not only do they experience joy and peace with God, but they also confidently expect a time here on earth when their enemies will be defeated and replaced with unprecedented peace that had never occurred in their history.

Please pray that this three-year journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus.

Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,

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