Judgement of the Nations


Tonight (Wednesday, 9/4, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue in the book of Jeremiah (46-49).

Jeremiah faithfully prophesied to the Southern Kingdom, Judah, for forty-plus years. Each day, he would awake, listen to God, and go and stand before the King, the princes, the priests, and the people to give them the Word of the Lord.

In the final chapters, he turned his attention to what God had to say to the nations. In the passage, Jeremiah prophesies to nine different nations surrounding Israel. The message contains no warnings or pleas for the nations to turn from their sins and turn to God.
Instead, God, through His prophet, describes with poetic detail the consequences of their sin, which would result in their destruction. Each of the nations mentioned had transgressed against God’s moral law, and now, there was nothing left to say except judgment.

So, one may ask why Jeremiah would even bother telling the nations what was coming. The answer is that nations are made of people. Even though the nation would be destroyed, people still had an opportunity to hear what was coming and make plans to escape by turning to God.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The message that Jeremiah prophesied to the nations is still relevant today. Judgment is coming to all the nations of the world. Nothing is going to change the world’s appointment with eternity.

Twenty-three years ago today, our nation was attacked! More than three thousand Americans lost their lives to godless terrorists. Our nation was united amid tragedy, tears, sorrow, and righteous indignation. There was, even though it was short, a national revival of people turning to God.

What happened in our nation was and continues to be proof that it is God's will that no one should perish and go into eternity without knowing Him as personal Lord and Savior.
Therefore, the church is called and anointed by God to be His vessel to declare the truth about our fellow man’s sins and the remedy found in Jesus Christ.

Please pray that this journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in Jesus' grace and Knowledge. Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,

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