Whose Son Is Christ


Sunday (9/15), gather with your church family as we continue in Matthew’s Gospel (22:41-46).

Jesus is in the final week of His life. The day is Wednesday.
He had been ministering to the people despite being interrupted numerous times by the Pharisees, Herodians, and Scribes.

Time after time, Jesus’ adversaries attempted to come between Him and the multitude.
They were becoming increasingly desperate. Every question they threw at Him was answered.

They couldn’t stump or trap Him into saying something that would disqualify Him from His claim of being the Messiah.

With the crowd still gathered and the Pharisees and their minions standing off to the side, conspiring about what they could do, Jesus paused His ministry to the multitude and asked them a question.

On the surface, the question seemed easy and could be answered quickly. Alluding to a prophecy written a thousand years earlier (Psalm 110), Jesus asked whose son was the Messiah. They promptly responded that he was the Son of David.

A few of them, in their arrogance, may have thought his question was silly and straightforward enough for a young child to answer.

Though partially correct, that question and their answer exposed the hearts of the Pharisees and the multitude, who thought of Jesus as a good man who cared for the vulnerable and poor and could perform miracles, even raising the dead. But that was as far as their faith would go.

Today, the same question stands. How one answers it determines where they spend eternity.

Why? One’s salvation is built on the truth that Jesus is more than a good man; He is also the Son of God, and only through faith in His name and who He is can one be guaranteed everlasting life.

Therefore, when sharing the gospel with one’s family and friends, asking that question can begin a serious conversation that reveals what they genuinely think about Jesus Christ.
And because the Lord loves them more than we do, it is worth asking.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

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