Jesus And Leadership


Sunday (9/22), gather with your church family as we continue in Matthew’s Gospel (23:1-12).
Jesus is in the final week of His life. The day is Wednesday. He has finally silenced His critics, who have relentlessly tried to trap Him into saying something that would discredit Him.

He turns His attention to His disciples and the multitude. He warns them of the hypocrisy and the deception of the Pharisees and Scribes—men who had supposedly had their best interests at heart.

In the first twelve verses, Jesus challenges the crowd to look for leaders opposite the Pharisees. Men who feared God and possessed a love for teaching those in their spiritual care.

Men who could be trusted due to their authenticity and integrity. Men who didn’t say one thing and who did the other. Men who lived to please God rather than people.
Jesus knew the multitude were sheep who had been neglected and led astray. Whatever the beginning had been for the Pharisees, they had fallen into apostasy. Men who coveted money, prestige, and, most of all, power.

The people needed and were deserving of those who would see themselves not as spiritually superior but as servants. Men who desired to live a humble life spent in the service of God to His people.

How different the narrative would have been for the multitude, who soon would be led (deceptively) to join the call with their leaders to have Jesus crucified if their teachers had had an ounce of integrity.

Today, the church represents Christ to a lost and dying world. Like the multitude of Jesus’ day, they have been given a distorted picture of Him.
Therefore, men and women who are equipped with the truth about Him and willing to humbly serve in a way that fully represents His character are needed.

Men and women who are not seeking titles, influence, or a pat on the back. Instead, they are willing to serve out from under the limelight. Their service is for an audience of One.
Striving to serve so that when they have fulfilled their assignment(s) and have passed from this life, they will stand before their King and hear, “Well done thou good and faithful servant, welcome to the joy of your Lord.”

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

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