"Dear Men of Calvary" Part 2
Sunday (6/18), gather with your church family as we celebrate Father’s Day by honoring our Fathers and studying the exhortation the Apostle Paul gave his protege Timothy. He wrote his letter from a prison cell in Rome, understanding that his life was ending. Therefore, he established the foundation for Timothy, the bishop of Ephesus, with an exhortation and instructions to help him as he led the church in a highly challenging time for the church and Christians who lived in the Roman Empire.
In the first half of the chapter (4:1-8), Paul gave the purpose of his instructions. He wanted Timothy to know that his fight was not with flesh and blood but with the dark principalities and powers of the age, he was to battle.
In the second half of the chapter (4:9-16), Paul gave Timothy a set of commands he was to follow without ceasing. The instructions had come straight from Heaven and would guide, strengthen and protect Timothy as he set out to lead the congregation he had been chosen to serve. The fight would be challenging and lengthy. Still, if he gave himself wholeheartedly to what he was given, it would be a foundation for a healthy and thriving New Testament body of believers who would shine the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world enveloped by spiritual darkness.
Even though Paul wrote his letter to Timothy, it was also directed to the men who attended his church in which God commanded them to lead their families in worship, to be a mouthpiece for God, and to cherish and nourish their spiritual life as the prophet, priest and pastor of their home.
Due to the increasing and rampant immortality in the culture today and the threat of its toxicity infiltrating the church, it seems prudent that the men of our fellowship understand their integral role in defending their families and church from the deception of a world gone mad and to know that they are the key to their family and church’s spiritual health.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.
There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook, YouTube: Calvary Inverness); (website: calvaryinv.com
In His Strong Love,
Sunday (6/18), gather with your church family as we celebrate Father’s Day by honoring our Fathers and studying the exhortation the Apostle Paul gave his protege Timothy. He wrote his letter from a prison cell in Rome, understanding that his life was ending. Therefore, he established the foundation for Timothy, the bishop of Ephesus, with an exhortation and instructions to help him as he led the church in a highly challenging time for the church and Christians who lived in the Roman Empire.
In the first half of the chapter (4:1-8), Paul gave the purpose of his instructions. He wanted Timothy to know that his fight was not with flesh and blood but with the dark principalities and powers of the age, he was to battle.
In the second half of the chapter (4:9-16), Paul gave Timothy a set of commands he was to follow without ceasing. The instructions had come straight from Heaven and would guide, strengthen and protect Timothy as he set out to lead the congregation he had been chosen to serve. The fight would be challenging and lengthy. Still, if he gave himself wholeheartedly to what he was given, it would be a foundation for a healthy and thriving New Testament body of believers who would shine the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world enveloped by spiritual darkness.
Even though Paul wrote his letter to Timothy, it was also directed to the men who attended his church in which God commanded them to lead their families in worship, to be a mouthpiece for God, and to cherish and nourish their spiritual life as the prophet, priest and pastor of their home.
Due to the increasing and rampant immortality in the culture today and the threat of its toxicity infiltrating the church, it seems prudent that the men of our fellowship understand their integral role in defending their families and church from the deception of a world gone mad and to know that they are the key to their family and church’s spiritual health.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.
There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook, YouTube: Calvary Inverness); (website: calvaryinv.com
In His Strong Love,
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