Christmas Eve 2022
Tonight, Saturday, 12/24, at 6:00 pm, and Sunday, at 10:00 am, 12/25, we gather in the main sanctuary to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Many have family and friends who will consider coming if they are given an invitation.
My prayer is that our entire church family will reach out and invite as many as possible. People are looking for direction and an answer to many questions. But we know for sure that Jesus is the answer and the one who guarantees that He is the way to everlasting life.
As Joseph and Mary prepared for the first coming of Jesus, let us prepare people for His Second Coming. The Scriptures foretelling His birth were accurately fulfilled to the smallest of details (Micah 5:2). We can be confident that the prophecies of His imminent return will be fulfilled. So may Jesus find all of us busy doing the “Father’s business” (Luke 19:13).
It has been an incredible year sharing my heart through these “Prayer Partner Updates.” Thank you to everyone for signing up and many of you for interacting with me through questions, answers, and insights. If you know someone whom these updates would bless, please share their email with me.
Merry Christmas,
My prayer is that our entire church family will reach out and invite as many as possible. People are looking for direction and an answer to many questions. But we know for sure that Jesus is the answer and the one who guarantees that He is the way to everlasting life.
As Joseph and Mary prepared for the first coming of Jesus, let us prepare people for His Second Coming. The Scriptures foretelling His birth were accurately fulfilled to the smallest of details (Micah 5:2). We can be confident that the prophecies of His imminent return will be fulfilled. So may Jesus find all of us busy doing the “Father’s business” (Luke 19:13).
It has been an incredible year sharing my heart through these “Prayer Partner Updates.” Thank you to everyone for signing up and many of you for interacting with me through questions, answers, and insights. If you know someone whom these updates would bless, please share their email with me.
Merry Christmas,
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