To Posessess The Promise You Must Keep The Commands
This evening we invite you to gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Café or on or Facebook and Youtube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our Wednesday evening Through The Bible series with a message I’ve entitled- “To Possess the Promises you must Keep the Commands.”
Tonight, we will look at chapters 6-10 of 1 Kings. In these chapters, we see Solomon fulfill the plan of God by completing work on the Temple. The vision and plan God had given his father David many years before we now see come to fulfillment here in these chapters.
We also see Solomon complete work on his own house and many other great building projects. In Chapter 8, Solomon dedicates the Temple and prays so that it pleases the Lord. His prayer is very instructive for us as it is, first of all, a prayer of thankfulness, a prayer for our brothers and sisters, and a prayer for unbelievers.
In chapters 9 and 10, Solomon’s influence, wealth, and stature grow among all the people of the world, and God uses him to impact Kings and Queens far and wide. Much like Solomon, God wants to use us to spread His name and fame among the nations. As we examine the text before us this evening, I hope that God will speak to us and show us how to effectively and successfully make His name known to everyone around us.
Please pray for our time together that we would experience a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon our hearts, and through His Word, we will be changed to be more like Christ. Hope to see you somewhere at Calvary.
Pastor Paul
This evening we invite you to gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Café or on or Facebook and Youtube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our Wednesday evening Through The Bible series with a message I’ve entitled- “To Possess the Promises you must Keep the Commands.”
Tonight, we will look at chapters 6-10 of 1 Kings. In these chapters, we see Solomon fulfill the plan of God by completing work on the Temple. The vision and plan God had given his father David many years before we now see come to fulfillment here in these chapters.
We also see Solomon complete work on his own house and many other great building projects. In Chapter 8, Solomon dedicates the Temple and prays so that it pleases the Lord. His prayer is very instructive for us as it is, first of all, a prayer of thankfulness, a prayer for our brothers and sisters, and a prayer for unbelievers.
In chapters 9 and 10, Solomon’s influence, wealth, and stature grow among all the people of the world, and God uses him to impact Kings and Queens far and wide. Much like Solomon, God wants to use us to spread His name and fame among the nations. As we examine the text before us this evening, I hope that God will speak to us and show us how to effectively and successfully make His name known to everyone around us.
Please pray for our time together that we would experience a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon our hearts, and through His Word, we will be changed to be more like Christ. Hope to see you somewhere at Calvary.
Pastor Paul
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