Our Dwelling Place
Tonight (Wednesday, 9/6, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com, Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our three-year journey through the Bible in the book of Psalms (90-91) and commemorate the Lord's death with communion.
In our study this evening, Moses, the author of Psalm ninety and possibly ninety-one, reflects on his 120-year ministry and walk with the Lord. The first forty years were spent in Egypt, growing up in Pharaoh's household.
The second forty years were spent in the wilderness as God formed and shaped him into one of history's greatest leaders.
The last forty years of his life were spent as the deliverer of Israel from the bondage of Egypt and the lawgiver of what God gave him for Israel's instruction on how to worship God and live a life pleasing to Him.
The setting for the Psalms is Moses in the wilderness. He writes extensively on the importance of setting aside time to be alone with the Lord. To sit, listen, and meditate on God's goodness and faithfulness.
Moses calls those times alone with God a dwelling place. The word dwelling has the idea of a refuge or little sanctuary. In other words, amid crazy, chaotic times in life, you have someone you can turn to who will calm your fears, refresh your weariness, strengthen your inner man, and counsel you with His Word.
That is why Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, ends with this benediction: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen" (13:14). He is praying that every time they meet for worship, they will have a personal encounter with the Lord.
It is also an invitation for believers that during worship, they will have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, which will give them an understanding of the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God.
Therefore, when believers gather to study God's Word, worship and praise Him in song, and pray with one another, the Holy Spirit will speak through the Word, revealing the grace and love provided through God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts.
Please pray that this three-year journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus. Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
Tonight (Wednesday, 9/6, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com, Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our three-year journey through the Bible in the book of Psalms (90-91) and commemorate the Lord's death with communion.
In our study this evening, Moses, the author of Psalm ninety and possibly ninety-one, reflects on his 120-year ministry and walk with the Lord. The first forty years were spent in Egypt, growing up in Pharaoh's household.
The second forty years were spent in the wilderness as God formed and shaped him into one of history's greatest leaders.
The last forty years of his life were spent as the deliverer of Israel from the bondage of Egypt and the lawgiver of what God gave him for Israel's instruction on how to worship God and live a life pleasing to Him.
The setting for the Psalms is Moses in the wilderness. He writes extensively on the importance of setting aside time to be alone with the Lord. To sit, listen, and meditate on God's goodness and faithfulness.
Moses calls those times alone with God a dwelling place. The word dwelling has the idea of a refuge or little sanctuary. In other words, amid crazy, chaotic times in life, you have someone you can turn to who will calm your fears, refresh your weariness, strengthen your inner man, and counsel you with His Word.
That is why Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, ends with this benediction: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen" (13:14). He is praying that every time they meet for worship, they will have a personal encounter with the Lord.
It is also an invitation for believers that during worship, they will have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, which will give them an understanding of the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God.
Therefore, when believers gather to study God's Word, worship and praise Him in song, and pray with one another, the Holy Spirit will speak through the Word, revealing the grace and love provided through God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts.
Please pray that this three-year journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus. Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
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