Jesus Is Able And Willing


Sunday (4/30), gather with your church family as we continue our series in the gospel according to Matthew (8:1-17). It is the first of four gospels that chronicle the birth, life, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus had concluded His “Sermon on the Mount,” in which He had given a lengthy dissertation explaining and instructing His disciples on life in the Kingdom of God. Even though it was not primarily evangelistic, one can’t help but sense the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Because He has placed in the heart of each of His disciples the desire to live a life surrendered to His will and one that is for His good pleasure.

When Jesus came down, He entered the city of Capernaum, which would serve as His base of operation for most of His ministry. Whereas His sermon had described kingdom life, His time in Capernaum would bustle with numerous miracles, healings, and delivering people from demons. Each is a tangible sign that He was the Promised Messiah of Old Testament prophecy.
One example is from the prophet Isaiah who wrote, “Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, With the recompense of God; He will come and save you then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped” (35:4-5).

In another Prophecy of Isaiah, he describes the manner of Jesus’ ministry. He wrote, “He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth” (42:2–3). This characteristic of the promised Messiah would mark Jesus’ time in Capernaum.

On the first day, Jesus spent in the city, He ministered to and healed four groups of people, each considered outcasts of society. The first was a leper, the second was a Roman military officer’s servant, the third was a woman, and the last was those that were demon-possessed. And by doing so, Jesus showed for the first time that all miracles and healings are an act of God’s grace. And He is able and willing to help those in need.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook, YouTube: Calvary Inverness); (website:

In His Strong Love,

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