When A Nation Won't Listen
Tonight (Wednesday, 9/27, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com
), Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we pause our three-year journey through the Bible and turn our attention to the book of Amos (4:6-12).
The prophet Amos lived and ministered during the time of King Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Samaria. Even though Amos was born and raised in Judah, God called him to travel north and warn the ten northern tribes that God was coming in judgment because of their wickedness.
And much like our nation today, the people of Samaria were obstinate and refused to heed the warning. Their stubbornness continued even as their nation was devastated by famine, drought, disease, and devastation. It could have been avoided if they had turned from their sin and turned back to God.
What made their situation even more precarious was that the recent devastation foreshadowed something that would bring their nation to its knees.
A new world power had arisen on the scene. The nation of Assyria had taken its place among the nations as a predatory people who sought to eradicate any considered a threat. As they moved through the Middle East, conquering Israel's neighbors, the time would come when they set their eyes upon them.
God, being longsuffering and merciful, not wanting Israel to perish, sent Amos to warn Israel before it was too late. God never blindsides His people. Instead, He reveals Himself to His servants, the prophets (3:7), and they, in turn, go and deliver the message.
Even as Amos delivered the message, the people didn't mock, ridicule or persecute him. They participated in something more dangerous than attacking one of God's messengers. They ignored him as the nation crumbled.
Today, due to its sin, the United States is suffering God's judgment because He has removed His hand of blessing and protection from our beloved land.
Therefore, it is paramount that we, the church, seek God through prayer and take action to proclaim the same message of warning Amos delivered with all of our might, in the hope that we, as instruments in the hand of our Master, may not save a nation but can save its people from eternal destruction.
Please pray that this message will be received by open hearts that long to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus.
Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
Tonight (Wednesday, 9/27, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com
The prophet Amos lived and ministered during the time of King Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Samaria. Even though Amos was born and raised in Judah, God called him to travel north and warn the ten northern tribes that God was coming in judgment because of their wickedness.
And much like our nation today, the people of Samaria were obstinate and refused to heed the warning. Their stubbornness continued even as their nation was devastated by famine, drought, disease, and devastation. It could have been avoided if they had turned from their sin and turned back to God.
What made their situation even more precarious was that the recent devastation foreshadowed something that would bring their nation to its knees.
A new world power had arisen on the scene. The nation of Assyria had taken its place among the nations as a predatory people who sought to eradicate any considered a threat. As they moved through the Middle East, conquering Israel's neighbors, the time would come when they set their eyes upon them.
God, being longsuffering and merciful, not wanting Israel to perish, sent Amos to warn Israel before it was too late. God never blindsides His people. Instead, He reveals Himself to His servants, the prophets (3:7), and they, in turn, go and deliver the message.
Even as Amos delivered the message, the people didn't mock, ridicule or persecute him. They participated in something more dangerous than attacking one of God's messengers. They ignored him as the nation crumbled.
Today, due to its sin, the United States is suffering God's judgment because He has removed His hand of blessing and protection from our beloved land.
Therefore, it is paramount that we, the church, seek God through prayer and take action to proclaim the same message of warning Amos delivered with all of our might, in the hope that we, as instruments in the hand of our Master, may not save a nation but can save its people from eternal destruction.
Please pray that this message will be received by open hearts that long to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus.
Moreover, He would do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world in desperate need of a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
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