Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Tonight (Wednesday, 3/5, 7:00 pm), join your Calvary Chapel family at the Holy Grounds Cafe or online through our website (www. calvaryinv. com), Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our study in the book of Daniel (2:1-49). It is one of the most remarkable sets of prophecies ever recorded.
Daniel, who had been taken captive to Babylon at a tender age, was now a member of the Royal Court of Advisors to the most powerful man on the planet. He recognized and stressed to everyone who listened that his ability to provide counsel and wisdom on geopolitical and domestic issues came from the God of Heaven.
Daniel proves this in the first chapter when he and three friends are commanded to eat food sacrificed to idols. Daniel, at that moment, as his eyes looked upon the bountiful feast before him, that he would not ever compromise his testimony or disappoint his God. Because Daniel would not compromise, he was rewarded and made one of the leaders of Nebuchadnezzar's royal court.
A short time after the events of chapter one, Nebuchadnezzar dreams on consecutive nights that troubled him to the point of not being able to sleep. Contrary to what some say, he did not forget his dream. He remembered every detail, which shook him to the core of his being.
The Bible doesn't say how long the King had these dreams before he called his wise men. But, when he did, he demanded answers. The wise men who stood before the King did not include Daniel. So when they heard what the King wanted, they requested to know the dream and confidently stated they could interpret it.
The King was furious! He didn't trust his counselors to tell him the truth, so he told them that if they were so wise, they should know what he had dreamt and be able to recount to him along with an interpretation. It is certain that when the King said that, terror gripped the hearts of each of his counselors.
They quickly recovered and began petitioning and begging the King to tell them the dream and that he could trust them to give an accurate interpretation. But, in a rage, Nebuchadnezzar commanded that they be killed along with their families and that their homes be burnt to the ground.
When the King's executioner went to carry out the command, Daniel met him. Who asked him what caused the King to give such a harsh order? When the executioner replied to Daniel, the prophet immediately requested an audience. When he was granted the opportunity to approach Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel promised that if given some time, he would be able to tell him his dream, interpret it, and, by doing so, spare the lives of his fellow wise men.
Daniel retreated to his home, and along with his friends, he petitioned God for an answer throughout the night. When God told Daniel what Nebuchadnezzar had dreamt, he returned to the King and told him the dream and its meaning. What Daniel said would provide the King with a panoramic overview of world history from their present-day to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth to rule and reign over the world from Jerusalem.
Please pray that open hearts will welcome this journey through the Word of God, yearning to grow in Jesus' grace and knowledge. Furthermore, He will accomplish profound and lasting work in and through us for a world desperately needing a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
Tonight (Wednesday, 3/5, 7:00 pm), join your Calvary Chapel family at the Holy Grounds Cafe or online through our website (www. calvaryinv. com), Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our study in the book of Daniel (2:1-49). It is one of the most remarkable sets of prophecies ever recorded.
Daniel, who had been taken captive to Babylon at a tender age, was now a member of the Royal Court of Advisors to the most powerful man on the planet. He recognized and stressed to everyone who listened that his ability to provide counsel and wisdom on geopolitical and domestic issues came from the God of Heaven.
Daniel proves this in the first chapter when he and three friends are commanded to eat food sacrificed to idols. Daniel, at that moment, as his eyes looked upon the bountiful feast before him, that he would not ever compromise his testimony or disappoint his God. Because Daniel would not compromise, he was rewarded and made one of the leaders of Nebuchadnezzar's royal court.
A short time after the events of chapter one, Nebuchadnezzar dreams on consecutive nights that troubled him to the point of not being able to sleep. Contrary to what some say, he did not forget his dream. He remembered every detail, which shook him to the core of his being.
The Bible doesn't say how long the King had these dreams before he called his wise men. But, when he did, he demanded answers. The wise men who stood before the King did not include Daniel. So when they heard what the King wanted, they requested to know the dream and confidently stated they could interpret it.
The King was furious! He didn't trust his counselors to tell him the truth, so he told them that if they were so wise, they should know what he had dreamt and be able to recount to him along with an interpretation. It is certain that when the King said that, terror gripped the hearts of each of his counselors.
They quickly recovered and began petitioning and begging the King to tell them the dream and that he could trust them to give an accurate interpretation. But, in a rage, Nebuchadnezzar commanded that they be killed along with their families and that their homes be burnt to the ground.
When the King's executioner went to carry out the command, Daniel met him. Who asked him what caused the King to give such a harsh order? When the executioner replied to Daniel, the prophet immediately requested an audience. When he was granted the opportunity to approach Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel promised that if given some time, he would be able to tell him his dream, interpret it, and, by doing so, spare the lives of his fellow wise men.
Daniel retreated to his home, and along with his friends, he petitioned God for an answer throughout the night. When God told Daniel what Nebuchadnezzar had dreamt, he returned to the King and told him the dream and its meaning. What Daniel said would provide the King with a panoramic overview of world history from their present-day to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth to rule and reign over the world from Jerusalem.
Please pray that open hearts will welcome this journey through the Word of God, yearning to grow in Jesus' grace and knowledge. Furthermore, He will accomplish profound and lasting work in and through us for a world desperately needing a Savior.
In His Strong Love,
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