God Defends His People


Join your Calvary Chapel family tonight (Wednesday, 2/5, 7:00 p.m.) in the Holy Grounds Cafe or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our study of Ezekiel.

In the chapters before us (38-39), Ezekiel is given one of the Old Testament's most dramatic, debated, and discussed prophecies. He is called to proclaim to Israel that despite their disobedience and rebellion, God will defend and rescue them from an army of nations that will seek to take them by surprise with the objective of total annihilation.

When the situation seems lost, and Israel no longer existing is close to becoming a reality, God will rise and defend His people by creating an earthquake that will shake the nations. Terrorized by what is happening, the army that came to destroy Israel will turn on one another.

Five out of every six soldiers will die in the mountains of Israel. Then God will call the birds of prey and the beasts of the earth to come and feast upon the corpses that will be so numerous that those who survive will not be able to move.

God doesn’t give Ezekiel a precise date. The only clue is that the battle will occur in the “latter days” (38:16). Therefore, there have been countless arguments over when it will happen. When this happens, the truth of what God promises to do for His people becomes lost among those trying to decipher the event's timing.

There are numerous lessons the Christian can glean from this prophecy. Foremost, instead of getting caught up in a date setting, you should always be prepared for life to throw you a curve ball. And when it happens, rest in the truth that God will always be there to defend you!

Please pray that this journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in Jesus's grace and knowledge. Moreover, He will do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world desperately needing a Savior.
In His Strong Love,

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