The Second Coming
Sunday (11/24), gather with your church family as we return to our study in Matthew's Gospel (24:27-31).
Jesus had just described the final three and a half years of the Tribulation that will before His triumphant return to earth. He said much to their alarmed ears that a world leader would rise and, after making a seven-year peace treaty halfway into the covenant, be assassinated.
The world's leading religious leader would come to the rescue (either by deception or a literal miracle) to bring the beloved leader of the Revived Roman Empire to life. But, this time, the world would get more than it bargained for. The world once more would fall into chaos, much like the time following the removal of the church to heaven.
In the end, a final battle will take place. The Empire of the Anti-Christ's armies will gather to fight those nations that have made their way to Northern Israel. At that exact moment, the entire planet will be plunged into darkness. Men's hearts will fail as they realize the horror of what is about to happen.
Then, the skies will be illuminated with the brilliance of God's glory. Jesus will descend from heaven with His angelic host and the church, which could easily number more than a billion. He will return as a conquering King, triumphing and defeating the Anti-Christ, the False Prophet, and the world's armies.
A Trumpet will sound, and all the Jews that have been scattered across the globe will hear it and return to Israel. They will finally see Jesus as their Messiah, and the remnant will mourn for Him as a Father does for his only son, and Israel will be saved.
Jesus told His disciples all these things not to scare them but to prepare them. By doing so, He proved that the best way for His followers to avoid deception and maintain a clear mind was to know and understand the prophetic Scriptures.
May Jesus' teaching fill our hearts with the knowledge of His word, hearts prepared to receive Him, hearts ready to share the gospel with anyone who will listen, and hearts keeping our eyes and affections open to His imminent return.
There are several worship opportunities: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).
Sunday (11/24), gather with your church family as we return to our study in Matthew's Gospel (24:27-31).
Jesus had just described the final three and a half years of the Tribulation that will before His triumphant return to earth. He said much to their alarmed ears that a world leader would rise and, after making a seven-year peace treaty halfway into the covenant, be assassinated.
The world's leading religious leader would come to the rescue (either by deception or a literal miracle) to bring the beloved leader of the Revived Roman Empire to life. But, this time, the world would get more than it bargained for. The world once more would fall into chaos, much like the time following the removal of the church to heaven.
In the end, a final battle will take place. The Empire of the Anti-Christ's armies will gather to fight those nations that have made their way to Northern Israel. At that exact moment, the entire planet will be plunged into darkness. Men's hearts will fail as they realize the horror of what is about to happen.
Then, the skies will be illuminated with the brilliance of God's glory. Jesus will descend from heaven with His angelic host and the church, which could easily number more than a billion. He will return as a conquering King, triumphing and defeating the Anti-Christ, the False Prophet, and the world's armies.
A Trumpet will sound, and all the Jews that have been scattered across the globe will hear it and return to Israel. They will finally see Jesus as their Messiah, and the remnant will mourn for Him as a Father does for his only son, and Israel will be saved.
Jesus told His disciples all these things not to scare them but to prepare them. By doing so, He proved that the best way for His followers to avoid deception and maintain a clear mind was to know and understand the prophetic Scriptures.
May Jesus' teaching fill our hearts with the knowledge of His word, hearts prepared to receive Him, hearts ready to share the gospel with anyone who will listen, and hearts keeping our eyes and affections open to His imminent return.
There are several worship opportunities: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).
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