Missionaries that Calvary Chapel Inverness supports:
Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru
Pastor John and Pilar Bonner
Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru is a Bible College unlike any other. Our students are immersed in the Word of God and the knowledge of Christ, while at the same time gaining valuable experience in ministry, on the mission field, and in church planting.
Richard and Melinda Williams: Missionaries to Wales
Richard and I started dating my junior year of high school. We have been married for 21 years. God has blessed us with four amazing children. Missions has been something Richard and I have talked about since high school. We both knew that one day we would serve God on foreign soil, but until then it was our desire to stay faithful to the call God placed upon us in youth ministry. In 2010 God started moving us towards missions. As God began to change our heart towards missions, We began to seek His leading to when and where. It has been amazing to see how God has opened the doors for us to go through as He leads us to Wales. -Melinda Williams
Calvary Chapel Huacho Peru
Pastor Craig Tippie
We started our church with about 30 skateboarders and a few college students. We had one idea, but the Lord had another. Our church today after 3 ½ years is still full of young people, it has grown into a fellowship that has families that have come to the Lord, because their teenager got saved that day in the skate park. We have several more families in the church and our focus in not just youth, but lost people in general. Huacho is the capital of witchcraft in Peru, and we have great opposition and many spiritual battles over the souls of the people of Huacho. “But if God is for us, who could be against us.” Please pray for the ongoing work that the Lord has begun here in Peru.
U-Turn For Christ, Crystal River, Fl.
Pastor Jim Penna
We call U-Turn for Christ a ‘Ministry of Restoration’ because we believe the Biblical model of restoration is the only way to be delivered from the grip of addiction in a person's life and restores lifes' to Jesus Christ.
Michael Mills Ecuador
Michael Mills
Dr. Michael missionary to Tonsupa which is on the coast of Ecuador. Reestablishing their ministry in Tonsupa and conducted in December 2020 an outreach to feed 1,000 children and give them each a Christmas gift. Having friends in Otavalo (a drive of 24 hours), their plan is to form disciples among this tribe of unreached people group and to establish churches in the north of Ecuador. Closer to home in Tonsupa their vision is to establish churches in Esmeraldas, Tonsupa, Atacmes, Sua and Same. They will continue to feed at risk children and youth.

Voice Of The Gospel Ministry
Voice of Gospel was founded by Pastor Daniel in 1975. He was born in 1955 as the fifth child of the missionary couple in Kerala. The spiritual background of Daniel enabled him to know Jesus at his early age and helped him to know the call of God in his life. Voice of The Gospel tirelessly shares the Gospel and God's love feeding the sick and the hungry, especially in places like India, where Christians are a minority.

Visit The Voice Of The Gospel Website

Agents For Christ
Mobilizing believers to reach the lost in their communities. Mobilizing the Body of Christ to reach the world. Mobilizing young adults to live a life on mission.

Care For Children International Inc.
Thanks to your generous contributions and continued sponsorship, CFC volunteers work around the clock all around the world. Today, we are housing hundreds of orphans in India, feeding thousands in Africa, supporting poor children in the Azores and providing financial support and rehabilitation centers in Brazil. Visit our Mission Page to learn more about how your donations are being used to save children across the globe.

Far Reaching Ministries
In 1996, Pastor Wes Bentley, Founder and CEO of Far Reaching Ministries (FRM), began serving as a missionary in the war-torn regions of Bahr El-Ghazal, Western Equatoria, and the Nuba Mountains (Southern Kordofan). Two years later, FRM began working with South Sudanese refugee camps, primarily in Kiryandongo, Uganda. Offering love and hope to orphans and widows who had lost their families, FRM served the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those most affected by ethnic and religious cleansing.

Citrus Pregnancy Center
A true live saving ministry, Citrus Pregnancy Center offers free pregnancy testing and so much more. They have classes for mothers and fathers to encourage and equip them to be better parents. The parents accumulate points for these classes which can be used to obtain items like diapers, baby food, car seats and much more. C.P.C . equips and encourages parents to raise healthy, happy children.