We do not believe:
That Christians can be demon possessed.
We reject "5-point Calvinism." Calvary Chapel rejects two of the five points of five point Calvinism. First, Calvinism teaches that Jesus' atonement on the Cross was limited, that is, that He died only for a chosen group, His "elect," not for the sins of the entire world. At Calvary Chapel, we believe that Jesus died on the Cross for all sins
of all people, and that anyone who wants to can accept Him
as Lord and Savior and be born again.
Secondly, we reject the Calvinistic teaching called "irresistible grace," which is the belief that man cannot, even if he wants to, resist the wooing and calling of God to salvation. Instead, at Calvary Chapel,
we believe that man has a free will and he can resist the
call of God if he chooses to do so.
we believe that man has a free will and he can resist the
call of God if he chooses to do so.
At Calvary Chapel, we also reject the teaching of "positive confession," which is the doctrine put forth by the faith movement teachers that says that we as human beings can have unlimited health and wealth because we, like God, have the ability to create our own reality
by the confession of our lips.
by the confession of our lips.
Additionally, we reject the teaching that uses human prophecy to supersede the Word of God. At Calvary Chapel, we believe that the Bible is the final authority and the complete Word of God for His church today, and that no prophecy or teaching can ever supersede it.
And finally, as we have mentioned before, Calvary Chapel rejects the over-emphasis of spiritual gifts and experiential signs and wonders to the exclusion of Biblical teaching. Again, we are a Bible-based ministry that avoids programs and gimmicks in favor of the simple teaching
of the Word of God in love to His people.
of the Word of God in love to His people.
In our services, we focus on a personal relationship with God through worship,
prayer, and the teaching of the Word of God. We offer both expository and topical
studies; we do not allow speaking in tongues loudly during services because we do not
believe that the Holy Spirit would interrupt Himself.
prayer, and the teaching of the Word of God. We offer both expository and topical
studies; we do not allow speaking in tongues loudly during services because we do not
believe that the Holy Spirit would interrupt Himself.