The Shadow Of The Cross


Join your Calvary Chapel family tomorrow (Sunday, 2/16, 10:00 a.m.) in the main sanctuary or on our website (, Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our study in Matthew's Gospel.

Jesus had just finished His sermon about the last days. The cross was looming. He was two days until He would hang between heaven and earth so that people could be spared an eternity separated from God.

He could have rested before His passion. Instead, He gathered His disciples together and prepared them for His departure. He had told them numerous times before, but it was more than the men could compute. It didn't seem real. But now, Jesus' words were spoken in the way only He could; the disciples knew in their hearts that it was a reality.

While Jesus met with the disciples, Caiaphas, the unlawful Roman-appointed High Priest, gathered the Sanhedrin at his house. He brought them there to conspire to put Jesus to death. Jesus was a threat. Everything He did drew more people to Him and away from them. Their power was at risk. Something had to be done. But not during Passover, that would cause a riot.

After Jesus finished with the disciples, he retreated to Bethany, a short walk outside Jerusalem. He resided at the house of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, his most profound and closest friends. While there, their neighbor Simon, whom Jesus had cleansed of leprosy, held a supper with Jesus as the guest of honor.

While everyone enjoyed the festivities, Mary entered the other room and retrieved an alabaster flask filled with spikenard oil. She had purchased it some time ago, knowing the moment would come when she could minister to her friend, whom she also acknowledged as her Savior.

The room was silent as Mary poured oil on Jesus's feet and wiped them with her hair. Judas, who had watched with contempt, complained that the money spent on the oil could have been used to minister to the poor. It may have been that moment that was the final straw for Judas. He left Simon's home and went to Caiaphas, pledging to betray Jesus if they were willing to pay.

All that happened and would occur in the next couple of days are reminders of God's love for people. He willingly sent His only begotten Son to come and be rejected, scorned, beaten without mercy, and crucified so that we might experience eternal life.

May Jesus' teaching fill our hearts with the knowledge of His word, prepare our hearts to receive Him, prepare our hearts to share the gospel with anyone who will listen, and keep our eyes and affections open to His imminent return.

There are several worship opportunities: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1 fm.), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).
In His Strong Love,

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