The Great Tribulation
Sunday (11/3), gather with your church family as we continue in Matthew's Gospel (24:15-26).
Jesus had just described the Tribulation's first three and half years to His disciples. He declared that there would be spiritual deception, global war, famine, disease, persecution of believers, betrayal by family members, and numerous false prophets who would seek to dupe the multitudes. And then, when it couldn't be any worse, Jesus said these things were only the beginning of sorrows.
He told them three and a half years would pass before His triumphant return to earth. He said much to their alarmed ears that a world leader would rise and, after making a seven-year peace treaty halfway into the covenant, be assassinated. The world once more would fall into chaos, much like the time following the removal of the church to heaven.
The world's leading religious leader would come to the rescue (either by deception or a literal miracle) to bring the beloved leader of the Revived Roman Empire to life. But, this time, the world would get more than it bargained for.
Satan will possess the man the Bible calls the Anti-Christ. He will invade the Middle East, enter the city of Jerusalem, go into the Temple, and defile it by declaring himself to be God.
And when he does, his full attention will be on destroying the Jewish population (the final Holocaust) and forcing all the world to prove their allegiance by making a mark on their right hand or forehead.
Jesus said this Great Tribulation would have no match in world history. There would be nothing it could be compared to. If He did not cut this short, no flesh would survive.
Jesus told His disciples all these things not to scare them but to prepare them. By doing so, He proved that the best way for His followers not to be deceived and to keep a clear mind was to know and understand the prophetic Scriptures.
May Jesus' teaching fill our hearts to know His word, hearts prepared to receive Him, share the gospel with anyone who will listen, and keep our eyes and affection for His imminent return.
There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).
Sunday (11/3), gather with your church family as we continue in Matthew's Gospel (24:15-26).
Jesus had just described the Tribulation's first three and half years to His disciples. He declared that there would be spiritual deception, global war, famine, disease, persecution of believers, betrayal by family members, and numerous false prophets who would seek to dupe the multitudes. And then, when it couldn't be any worse, Jesus said these things were only the beginning of sorrows.
He told them three and a half years would pass before His triumphant return to earth. He said much to their alarmed ears that a world leader would rise and, after making a seven-year peace treaty halfway into the covenant, be assassinated. The world once more would fall into chaos, much like the time following the removal of the church to heaven.
The world's leading religious leader would come to the rescue (either by deception or a literal miracle) to bring the beloved leader of the Revived Roman Empire to life. But, this time, the world would get more than it bargained for.
Satan will possess the man the Bible calls the Anti-Christ. He will invade the Middle East, enter the city of Jerusalem, go into the Temple, and defile it by declaring himself to be God.
And when he does, his full attention will be on destroying the Jewish population (the final Holocaust) and forcing all the world to prove their allegiance by making a mark on their right hand or forehead.
Jesus said this Great Tribulation would have no match in world history. There would be nothing it could be compared to. If He did not cut this short, no flesh would survive.
Jesus told His disciples all these things not to scare them but to prepare them. By doing so, He proved that the best way for His followers not to be deceived and to keep a clear mind was to know and understand the prophetic Scriptures.
May Jesus' teaching fill our hearts to know His word, hearts prepared to receive Him, share the gospel with anyone who will listen, and keep our eyes and affection for His imminent return.
There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).
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