An Urgent Warning
Sunday (11/06), we continue the series in the book of Hosea (8:1-14). In the previous chapter (7:1-16), Hosea confronted Israel. He wanted them to know that God’s holy and righteous love would not allow them to continue in their vicious cycle of sin. So the prophet exposed the lies and deception of a life that pretended to exclusively worship Jehovah and pursued other gods and a licentious lifestyle.
In chapter eight, Hosea details why God’s judgment was imminent. One can imagine how hard it was for the prophet. This was his people. He wasn’t an emotionless robot or a hardened hired hand with no empathy. Every word God gave had to feel like a thousand-pound bomb that, when ignited, would cause indeterminable destruction.
Yet, Hosea loved God and his people more than the fear or trepidation causing turmoil inside his heart. And there is no doubt that the prophet faced internal pressure from his family and the drama surrounding his marriage. External pressure from his neighbors, who didn’t want to hear his ranting about the judgment that in their minds may or may not come. And relentless spiritual warfare that incessantly condemned him for not having a perfect marriage or perfect children.
No matter what pressures Hosea faced, he never gave up, gave in, or turned back. Instead, he remained faithful to his God, wife, family, and the people he had been called to serve.
Hosea’s message is valid for today. Forgiveness and restoration for the repentant heart and trial and judgment for those who reject God’s love. It’s a timeless message for all people in all places throughout the globe.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.
There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness)
In His Strong Love,