God's Watchman
Sunday (11/13), we continue the series in the book of Hosea (9:1-17). In the previous chapter (8:1-14), Hosea urgently warned Israel that God’s judgment was imminent. In chapter nine, despite the hardships in his personal life, the prophet continued telling Israel that their actions had left God no recourse but judgment. It was a message that fell on deaf ears. Why would they listen to the gloom and doom words of Hosea? It was harvest time. The current year’s crop was bountiful. Life was good. It was a time to celebrate.
Undeterred by their mocking, Hosea laid out the devastating consequences that awaited them if they continued in their pretense. His heart ached as he predicted what would happen to Israel. So brutal was the prophecy that Hosea paused in the middle of the chapter to cry to God for mercy.
Like many of the prophets in the Bible, he was emotionally involved in what would happen to Israel. He desired and hoped that God’s unconditional love and patience would soften their heart. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Therefore, God sent the Assyrians and took Israel away to captivity and bondage in Nineveh.
Hosea’s message is valid for today. The church has been called to the prophetic ministry of the watchman. We are to know the “signs of the times” so that we may warn those who are in darkness. Many will ridicule us, and life will be difficult, but the Lord promises to give us His grace so that we may live victoriously as we wait for His imminent return.
I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.
There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness)
In His Strong Love,