A Loving Indictment

Oct 30, 2022    Pastor Kevin Ballard


Sunday (10/30), we continue the series in the book of Hosea (7:1-16). For the first six chapters, God had called Israel, His spouse, and, through Hosea, had expressed the pain and brokenness of someone who had been betrayed not once but multiple times. Then, he would anoint Hosea to call them to return, and there would be an expression of sorrow for a short time but no true repentance.

In chapter seven, God confronts Israel. He wants them to know that His holy and righteous love would not allow them to continue in their vicious cycle of sin. So He exposes the lies and deception of a life that pretended to exclusively worship Jehovah and yet pursued other gods and a licentious lifestyle.
Hosea’s message is valid for today. Forgiveness and restoration for the repentant heart and trial and judgment for those who reject God’s love. It’s a timeless message for all people in all places throughout the globe.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness)
In His Strong Love,