Hope For The Backslider

Sep 18, 2022


Sunday (09/18), we continue the series in the book of Hosea (2:2-15). Hosea’s prophetic ministry began with a challenging command from the Lord. When he first heard what God required, one has to wonder if he thought he had heard correctly. The Scripture does not record any dilemma Hosea may have had, but that doesn’t mean it was easy for him to obey. But obey he did and, by doing so, set an example for the people of God of what it means to be devoted to the One who gives life.

Hosea was commissioned to marry a woman who had an adulterous heart. She would promise to be faithful to her marriage vow, but before long, she would break that vow and, by doing so, destroy that trust that she would have between Hosea and her.

Yet, Hosea knowing what awaited him, married Gomer anyway and loved her with the same love that the Apostle Paul challenged the men to do in his day. He wrote, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” (Eph. 5:25). Even though Gomer was unfaithful, which Hosea had no control over, he never gave up, threw his hands up in frustration, in anger state that he was done, or to slander her. He humbly submitted himself to God, believing God could save Gomer and heal their marriage.

God had anointed Hosea to be a prophetic picture for Israel. Just as Hosea pursued, wooed, and proclaimed hope to his wife, that promise of hope was given to Israel so that they would know that if they acknowledged their sin and turned from it to God, they would experience the blessings of God once again and the assurance of everlasting life. And, if they failed to turn from their sin, all that was left for God to do was judgment.

Just as Israel was warned that ignoring Hosea’s prophecy would be to their peril, it can be said of today. What is needed is a Jesus-loving, sin-hating, Spirit-filled church that will be like Hosea and speak the truth in love for the love of God and lost people. Let everyone who will listen know that there will be a day when each one will stand before a righteous God to give an account of their life. And that the only way for them to escape is to turn to the One who, in His mercy, will grant them everlasting life.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness)
In His Strong Love,