The Steadfastness of Job
April 19th, 2023
THE STEADFASTNESS OF JOBTonight (Wednesday, 4/19, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe’ or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Inve...  Read More
One Man's Righteous Act
April 16th, 2023
ONE MAN’S RIGHTEOUS ACTSunday (4/16), gather with your church family as we conclude our two-part series in the book of Romans (5:12-21). Last Sunday, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and...  Read More
The Security of Job
April 12th, 2023
Tonight (Wednesday, 4/12, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe’ or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue wi...  Read More
Jesus is Alive!
April 9th, 2023
Sunday (4/9) is a Resurrection Celebration! This is the day we celebrate our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has risen from the dead. Paul the Apostle said, “Jesus was delivered up because of our of...  Read More
Saved By His Death
April 7th, 2023
SAVED BY HIS DEATHToday is Good Friday! This evening gather with your Calvary family in the main sanctuary (7:00 pm) for a night of worshipping Jesus Christ for His sacrificial death that provided for...  Read More
Worship In The Upper Room
April 5th, 2023
WORSHIP IN THE UPPER ROOMTonight (Wednesday, 4/5, 7:00 pm), we will gather in the main sanctuary for an evening of worship and communion. The hour of Jesus’ trial had come. This was the reason He was ...  Read More
The Struggles of Job
March 29th, 2023
THE STRUGGLES OF JOBTonight (Wednesday, 3/29, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Invernes...  Read More
Kingdom Discernment
March 26th, 2023
KINGDOM DISCERNMENTSunday (3/26), gather with your church family as we continue our new series in the gospel according to Matthew (7:1-14). It is the first of four gospels that chronicle the birth, li...  Read More
\"The Suffering of Job\"
March 22nd, 2023
THE SUFFERING OF JOBTonight (Wednesday, 3/22, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe' or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Invernes...  Read More
Kingdom Priorities
March 19th, 2023
KINGDOM PRIORITIESSunday (3/19), gather with your church family as we continue our new series in the gospel according to Matthew (6:19-34). It is the first of four gospels that chronicle the birth, li...  Read More
Pitfall of Pride
March 15th, 2023
PITFALL OF PRIDETonight (Wednesday, 3/15, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe’ or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Inverness) a...  Read More
Ester: What Are The Odds
March 8th, 2023
ESTHER: WHAT ARE THE ODDS?Tonight (Wednesday, 3/8, 7:00 pm), gather with your Calvary Chapel family in the Holy Grounds Cafe’ or on our website (www.calvaryinv.com), Facebook, and Youtube (Calvary Inv...  Read More