Jesus in Prophecy

Jun 26, 2022    Pastor Kevin Ballard


Sunday (06/26), we begin a new summer series entitled “Prophecies of His Coming.” Starting with the book of Genesis, we will trace the prophecies about the first and second coming of Jesus. Our study will focus on God’s judgment on Satan (Gen. 3:15) after he successfully tempted Adam and Eve to disobey His command. In the text, the Holy Spirit, through Moses, gives the origin of sin’s entrance into the world, God’s judgment, His promise, and the means of salvation.

Bible prophecy is vitally essential to the health and well-being of the follower of Jesus Christ. First, it is an encouragement. Hearing and studying how Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled every Old Testament prophecy concerning His birth, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection builds confidence in what the Bible says about the future.

Second, Bible prophecy equips the believer to “always be ready to give the reason for their hope” (1 Peter 3:15). It is a mistake to think that those we love aren’t thinking about the future. Many look around at the chaos in the nations, economy, and the spiraling down of the culture and have more questions than answers. When a follower of Jesus studies what the Bible says about the future, the Holy Spirit equips them to point people to the hope they can have in the One that is the centerpiece of Bible Prophecy.

Third, Bible prophecy inspires believers to be introspective about their priorities constantly. When you are confident that Jesus can return at any moment, you ensure that your life is centered around eternal rather than temporal things. And you will be more creative and diligent in finding ways to share your faith.

Finally, knowing Bible prophecy puts the desire in your heart for the return of Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can and will straighten out the mess the world has made. And at that coming, He will adjudicate every wrong that has been done. He will vanquish sin and death forever. And for the first time, we will live in a way He intended at creation.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship. On-campus (10:00 am), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness)

Behold, the Lord Cometh,