The River of Life
Join your Calvary Chapel family tonight (Wednesday, 2/19, 7:00 p.m.) in the Holy Grounds Cafe or on our website (, Facebook, and YouTube (Calvary Inverness) as we continue our study of Ezekiel.
In the chapters before us (44-48), Ezekiel concludes his dramatic book of prophecy by describing a future Temple that will be built in Jerusalem. It will be different from the others built and eventually destroyed. God will fill the Temple with His glory and thus fulfill every promise made regarding Israel, its people, land, and place of worship.
The Temple Ezekiel describes is what the Bible describes as the thousand-year reign of the Messiah on earth. Wars will be a thing of the past. For the first time since their existence, Israel will occupy all the land God promised to Abraham. Satan will be bound for the entire time in the Abyss.
One of the features that will make this period in world history unique is the river Ezekiel saw flowing from the Temple. In the vision, he saw himself standing in the river, which was ankle-deep.
Rapidly, it gathered strength, and the water flow rose to Ezekiel's legs, then his waist, and then to the point where the current swept him away. He writes that everywhere it flowed, whatever it touched lived. This is the culmination of what God has been promising for thousands of years.
Jesus will rule from the city of Jerusalem. The nations will come to the Capital city to hear Him teach the Word of God. Mankind and the earth will finally be at peace. Justice will rule the day because Jesus will have and continue adjudicating wrongdoing.
When one understands what the future holds for the believer, they will also understand why Ezekiel was given the elaborate and extensive detailed plans of the future rebuilt Temple. It was a reminder of God's plan for His people and that He always fulfills His Word.
Please pray that this journey through the Word of God will be received by open hearts that long to grow in Jesus's grace and knowledge. Moreover, He will do deep and abiding work in and through us for a world desperately needing a Savior.
In His Strong Love,