Jesus And Faith

Jul 7, 2024    Pastor Kevin Ballard


Sunday (7/7), gather with your church family as we turn our attention to Matthew’s Gospel (21:18-22).

In the passage before us, Jesus, in the previous day, had driven the false teachers, who had neglected His people, from the temple courts. They had exploited the worshippers who had traveled a long distance by charging them exorbitant fees to purchase animals for their sacrifices.

Afterward, Jesus traveled to the little town of Bethany, the home of Lazarus (whom He had raised from the dead), Mary, and Martha to spend the evening among friends. The next day, He and the disciples headed back to Jerusalem.

Matthew records that Jesus, being hungry, saw a fig tree in the distance and walked over to enjoy some of its fruit. When He saw that the tree had leaves, which usually meant there would be fruit, but had none, He cursed it. Immediately, the fig tree withered from the roots up. It is the only time Jesus used His miraculous powers to destroy something.

The disciples were astonished at the sheer power Jesus exhibited by simply speaking to the fig tree. When asked, Jesus resounded by telling them that nothing would be impossible for them, no matter how great the problem, if they possessed faith in Him and did not doubt.

One of the lessons for believers is that when their walk with God is no longer fruitful, they can turn to God in prayer and receive the ability to see what led to their unfruitfulness and the power to remove it from their lives.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

