Jesus And Eternal Life

May 24, 2024    Pastor Kevin Ballard


Sunday (05/19), gather with your church family as we turn our attention to Matthew’s Gospel (19:16-30).

Jesus had just finished giving His doctrine on marriage and divorce. As He turned to go on His way, a young man came running to meet Him. When he arrived, he fell on his face and begged Jesus to tell him what he must do to inherit eternal life.

The young man must have been a spectacle to those following Jesus. To those who knew him, he had everything one would want: he was young, wealthy, and influential. Yet, the crowd could not see his heart.

A storm was brewing, one that gnawed at the young man. And, it wouldn’t quit until he received the answer to the question that plagued his mind.

The young man’s dilemma is one faced by everyone. We grow up believing that if we have the proper education, meet the right people, and accumulate enough wealth, happiness and satisfaction will be ours.

And, even though there is nothing wrong with any of those things, it becomes a determinate when we pursue those temporal things at the expense of the eternal.

To make matters worse, some people believe life will be smooth sailing if they live a good and moral life. When things go wrong, they fall into a downward spiral of disappointment, discouragement, and disillusionment.

Jesus shared with the rich young ruler how to inherit eternal life and experience a life of joy, peace, and satisfaction. Even though he refused to obey what he was told, we can heed those words and possess the life that only God can give.

I look forward to our time together. Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the entire Calvary Chapel family.

There are several opportunities for worship: on-campus (10:00 a.m.), drive-in church (92.1fm), and online (Facebook and YouTube: Calvary Inverness).

